*Special announcement about the podcast*

Hi, I’m Caroline Dalia Kaliani, Functional Nutrition Practitioner, Herbal Medicine Mama & formulator of a botanical skincare line for rosacea.

A few years ago, I launched this free educational platform called Journey to Glow.

The goal? To explore natural, holistic and effective solutions for skin “issues”.

In my quest to share the effectiveness of natural medicine, I interviewed over 75+ holistic skin experts (Functional Medicine Practitioners, Naturopathic NDs, Holistic Nutritionists, Integrative Dermatologists, and Ayurvedic doctors…) as well as dozens of womxn who fully healed rosacea.

The Journey To Glow podcast reached over 100,000 listeners and received hundreds of 5 stars reviews in 30 different countries. But the best part? Were the weekly emails from listeners and readers who shared they have regained hope that they could heal their skin!

Mission accomplished!

After years of making the episodes available for free on mainstream podcast platforms, we are now rethinking how we want this information to be accessed.

If you’d like to be notified of the next steps, sign up for the Glowletter at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for listening and for being on the journey with us!

journey to glow podcast


Get FREE access to a 30-minute masterclass where you’ll explore 9 misconceptions about rosacea and how to create momentum on your healing journey.

JTG #7 Detoxifying from Toxic Mold w/ Bridgit Danner

In this episode we’re talking about a topic that’s super important to adress; the importance of detoxing from toxic mold with Bridgit Danner.

Bridgit Danner has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2004 and certified Functional Diagnostic practitioner since 2015. She gave over 12,000 treatments in her years working as an acupuncturist & led a staff of 10 at her practice.

Her interest in natural health grew from an interest in protecting the environment. Even as a child, she was donating her allowance to Greenpeace and writing cosmetic companies to ask about their practices!

While busy running an integrative wellness center in Portland, Oregon, she developed an environmental illness due to toxic mold in her home. Already experienced in hormone management and nutrition, she became acutely aware of the powerful impact of the environment on her health.

She and her family lost their house and everything in it to toxic mold, and moved 1,000 miles to the Arizona desert to heal.

Bridgit now educates about toxins and detoxification through her blog, online programs, product shop and Facebook group. She also works with private clients on customized functional medicine protocols for healing.

In this episode, Bridgit talks to Journey To Glow host Caroline Frenette about:

  1. The turning point for Bridgit of finding toxic mold in her home
  2. Testing for mold in your home and what to do if your home is toxic
  3. What to do if your body doesn’t detox from mold toxicity
  4. Green smoothie recipe to detox the system
  5. Which supplements can support the detoxification process
  6. Pinpointing the body burdens and eliminating them
  7. Essential oils for liver support and skin detoxification

Oils we talked about in this episode:

*This is very short summary of the immense potential and power of these magnificent oils.

  1. Turmeric: is an amazing anti-inflammatory, boosts glutathione production and as an essential oil is 10x more bioavailable than in herbal form!
  2. Grapefruit moves lymph, anti-candida, antibacterial and anti mold. It uplifts the mood and disperses negative thoughts.
  3. Lemon detoxifies the body and uplifts the mood
  4. Rosemary is a powerful antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory oil. It also addresses metal and adrenal fatigue
  5. Zendocrine blend is great to apply under your feet or after the sauna. Supports kidney, skin health and gut
  6. Cilantro is an antibacterial and anti-fungal, clears the body of heavy metals and calms anxiety
  7. Oregano is quite powerful with antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasite, and anti-viral properties
  8. Cinnamon to clear parasites
  9. Citrus Bliss to uplift the mood and clear brain fog
  10. Digestzen gut and liver detoxifier
  11. Yarrow Pom for hydration and is rejuvenating to the skin
  12. I use ClaryCalm every month when I have my period, roll on the tummy for a soothing effect, kinda like Advil but better (without the side effect of feeling numb or being a burden for your liver)

If you’ve enjoyed this episode of the Journey To Glow podcast you will love episode 12 The Clear Skin Detox with Melissa Vanden Heuvel.

Links mentioned in this episode:

1. Bridgit’s website bridgitdanner.com
2. Follow Bridgit on Instagram
3. Follow Journey To Glow on Instagram @lovemyjourneytoglow

Podcast & Glow Blog

Peanut Butter Coconut Mango Smoothie

Peanut Butter Coconut Mango Smoothie

Peanut Butter Coconut Mango Smoothie This is a delish + super filling + energizing smoothie recipe! I like to have this smoothie mid-afternoon when I need a boost of energy or when I crave something sweet. Peanut Butter Coconut Mango Smoothie (Makes 2) 1 1/2 cup of...

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Taught by Functional Nutrition Practitioner & Skin Herbalist Caroline Dalia Kaliani, CLEAR is a one-of-a-kind online + group coaching program for women who want to heal rosacea holistically.

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