Gluten Free Banana Blueberry Pancakes & Coconut Yogurt

These gluten free banana blueberry pancakes are so delicious and super easy to make!

Ok so, first, let me start by saying that I NEVER measure when I cook (which drives my Sweetie nuts) so this is the approximate measurements…

Makes (about) 4 large pancakes

2 cups GF flour
1/4 nut milk
1 ripe banana
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp Foursigmatic Superfood Adaptogenic Mushroom Blend
1/2 tsp Lucuma (Lucuma is a good source of zinc, calcium, vitamin C, niacin (vitamin B3) and iron)

I also like adding a cup or 2 of spinach to this recipe but I didn’t have any on hands so I skipped it…

The texture was super thick yet fluffy so it turned out really well.

Quick tips:

Cook at low temperature on the stove (medium to low heat) because the banana makes the batter easy to burn.

You only need to cook about 2 to 3 minutes each side

Sprinkle with wild blueberries (or any organic berries you can get your hands on), top with a generous dollop of coconut yogurt, pour in premium organic Quebec maple syrup and enjoy!

Strawberry Ovenight Oats With Homemade Raspberry Jam

If you enjoyed this recipe you’re going to love my Strawberry Ovenight Oats With Homemade Raspberry Jam recipe!

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Detox Your Liver to Heal Rosacea

Detox Your Liver to Heal Rosacea  Rosacea can be a real hassle—redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes even red, pus-filled bumps on your face. While there's no magic cure, detoxing your liver is a crucial holistic component to healing rosacea. Let's dive into...

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