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JTG #11 Essential Oils For Rosacea with Tiffany Carole

It’s such a pleasure to dive into essential oils for rosacea with my guest Tiffany Carole.

Tiffany is a published author of Chinese and Energetic Medicine articles, adjunct faculty at Bastyr University, and has been practicing the art and science of energetic medicine professionally for over 15 years at her clinic Synergy Wellness Center located in Seattle, W.A.

Tiffany co-created a potent system of pairing key essential oils with acupoints called Aroma Acupoint Therapy.

She is trained in both Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine and holds Master Healer retreats in her second home in Sri Lanka.

In this episode, Tiffany talks to JTG host Caroline Frenette about:

  1.  How to disperse heat in the body with essential oils
  2. Acupoints and regulating temperature or heat in the body
  3. Oils that are beneficial for rosacea
  4. The connection between rosacea and small intestinal inflammation and unbalanced gut flora
  5. The connection between rosacea and depression
  6. The link between the digestive system, chakras, and the mind
  7. Why essential oils are so effective and work on multiple levels simultaneously: mental, physical and emotional
  8. How to get rid of rosacea “breakouts”


Links mentioned in this episode:

1. Tiffany’s website
2. Tiffany’s Healing Oil Collective online course on Teachable

Radiantly Clear Demodex Rosacea Skincare System

Radiantly Clear Rosacea & Demodex Skincare System

I created my own line of botanical skincare because I couldn't find anything on the market that met my standards for clean beauty AND addressed the needs of sensitive, rosacea skin.

The Radiantly Clear Rosacea / Demodex Botanical Skincare System contains 5 products, each formulated with pure plant botanicals that support the healing of inflamed rosacea skin while making the skin's microbiome unfavorable to Demodex mites and breakouts.

Podcast & Glow Blog



Taught by Functional Nutrition Practitioner & Skin Herbalist Caroline Dalia Kaliani, CLEAR is a one-of-a-kind online + group coaching program for women who want to heal rosacea holistically.

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